Artist Hamish Gilchrist


Hamish Gilchrist

Media Oil
Type Sculpture
Price £1330.00 / $1711.44
Size 0 x 0 cm
Ref 23182


Hamish started his career by repairing horse-drawn carriages for the Queen

And moved onto another form of Her Majestys vehicles, nuclear submarines.

Whilst working all hours on the submarines it enabled him to see the sinister but beautiful lines of the metal. He saw then, the untapped potential in Scotland for his pioneering artistic metalwork.

He went on to teach artistic metalwork at Edinburghs Telford College.

One of his first tasks he set the students was to recreate their own shoes, using as many varied types of metal available. A recurrent theme in his teaching, it spawned some really interesting pieces.

His strong interest in Ornithology has led to him producing fabulous sought after commissions.

The Avocet being one of his favourite birds to create, and one of his many commissions was to make a Dodo for the Chairman of the British Dodo Society.

That piece is currently shown at the Natural History Museum in Maastricht, Holland.

The process of melting, shaping and colouring the metal to achieve precise markings is my passion. The creative control is very important, but after glazing it can be a bit of an unpredictable science.Many of his natural subjects are mounted on shale, driftwood and even shale from the bings of Broxburn.