Artist James Daly


James Daly

Media Sculpture
Type Sculpture Figure/Life
Price £2650.00 / $3410.02
Size 29 x 62 cm
Ref 28004


James Daly

Media Sculpture
Type Sculpture
Price £2250.00 / $2895.30
Size 27 x 51 cm
Ref 28007

Etruscan Man

James Daly

Media Sculpture
Type Figure/Life Sculpture
Price £1950.00 / $2509.26
Size 22 x 117 cm
Ref 28006

James Daly is a sculptor who works with the human form. Before casting in bronze or aluminium resin, Daly creates his wonderful sculptures out of clay. We are delighted to offer free worldwide delivery on his works. 

"James ethereal sculptures are the focal point in any room, their ageless quality draws you in". Tally, Gallery Assistant.

Customers often remark upon the unique and stunning finish Daly achieves in his sculptures. 


From the Artist

Having spent a working career building a successful graphic design consultancy based in London, I can now devote more of my time to my first passion, sculpture. Working in my studio in Kent, I make and fire all my own pieces.

I love the idea of creating form from such a simple material as clay and the human shape inspires me. Having attended life classes for many years I am driven to create ever larger pieces in clay. This pushes the limits of what can be constructed before the clay collapses. Sometimes I push it too far with disastrous consequences.

The process of experimenting with glazes by saturating the clay before final firing often reveal new and exciting colours and textures. Opening the kiln to reveal its contents never fails to excite.

For me, sculpture is an incredibly tactile art form. Every mark on a ceramic piece represents the addition of a small piece of clay, placed there by my fingers. 

Etruscan Man was inspired by a visit to the Museum of Etruscan Art in Voltera, Italy, where a thin, tall bronze figure, some 2,300 years old, is on display. Known as “Shadow of the Evening”, this exquisite sculpture was found in a nearby field and is believed to be a fertility symbol. Further similar pieces have been unearthed in recent years. With extraordinary simplicity, these pieces speak to us from a time before the founding of the Roman Empire.



Barbara Hepworth, August Rodin, Alberto Giacometti, Henry Moore, Antony Gormley, The Etruscans.