Free Home Advice

We want to help find the perfect artwork for you. Your taste is unique and, with the largest selection of original artworks in Britain, we will have a painting that’s as original as you!

Our completely free art consultancy advice service is available online, over the phone, or in the gallery.

Come into the gallery, or contact us on the information below and we will be happy to have a conversation with you regarding your specific preferences. Style, subject matter, size, price, and colour palettes are all good starting points. Don’t have any of these requirements in mind? Don’t worry! You’ll know your perfect fit when you see it.

While we can advise on choosing original artwork of the correct scale and make recommendations, the final choice will always come down to your own taste and preferences. We'll just help as much as we can.

We also know that it can sometimes be difficult to make a final decision on a particular painting. That’s why we encourage you to try paintings at home on approval. That way, if you change your mind, you can return the artwork for a full refund.

Please email or contact Maia, or Tally at our Glasgow gallery on 0141 221 4502 to get started.

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